6 thoughts on “Baptist Chapel, North Road

  1. My hardworking parents raised 11 children (I am the youngest) at 6 Holly Cottages North Road Brentford behind the Baptist Chapel. Brentford was a brilliant community and it was full of terraced houses and everyone knew one another. When all the terraced houses were demolished the heart of the Brentford area changed and it will never be the same again. I will always have fond memories of Brentford.

  2. My thoughts on the Baptist Chapel in North Road were my parents always made sure us children were regular visitors to the Baptist Chapel and we always went to Sunday School and on the coach outings. I remember it was run by a lovely group of people and I remember a Lady called Miss. Uqaruim (hope I have spelt that correct) she was Italian and she used to work in Williams the chemist in Brentford in her later years. The BAPTIST CHAPEL was always a pleasure to visit.

    1. I believe you are referring to Miss Azadhouie Shakarian who certainly worked in Williams the Chemist at Albany Parade. She was Armenian and was a familiar sight on her bicycle. She remained loyal to the cause at North Road to the end, which was around 2004 when the Church amalgamated with Ealing Road Baptist Church and moved into their smaller premises. The Chapel at North Road suffered bomb damage during the Second World War and was not fully rebuilt and re-opened until 1954. The picture of the building shows the change in roof line from the chapel at the front and the earlier 1904 (I believe) part of the building at the rear. My Grandfather, David Mann, was the pastor of the Church at North Road from 1947 up until his death in February 1968, and my parents Colin and Brenda Mann (nee Bourne) were married there in 1958 and were heavily involved with the Church until the mid-1980’s. I also well recall the Sunday School coach outings, and also have pictures of me as a small child being taken by my Grandmother on a Womens Meeting outing. These trips were usually to the South Coast. I well remember the demolition of the old houses surrounding the church and have vivid memories of the rubble strewn streets of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I could go on and on!

      1. Thank you for your memories. Going back my Grandad, Fredrick E. B. Secrett was a sunday school teacher for 60 years in North Road Baptist Church, Brentford. I think he died in the late 1940s. I am interested to find out more….

      2. The lady you are speaking about was Miss Shakarian. She was Armenian and found in the snow beside her dead mother. She had frostbite and lost the top of some of her fingers. She was rescued by missionaries, and yes was one of the teachers and also played a little portable organ. I love S S there

      3. I remember your family. My maiden name was chapman and I was a regular at Sunday School

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